Our Story

My name is Mechelle Mann and I am the owner of Ivy League Chihuahuas.
My daughter, Jamie and I decided to breed Chihuahuas after our last chihuahua passed, 4 years ago.
Jamie was the first to purchase a chihuahua when she was 18.
Jamie looked up dog breeds and wanted to find out more about them.
Jamie discovered that chihuahuas were the most human like breed there was.
Chihuahuas are extremely loyal and fiercely protective of their family.
They are small enough to take just about everywhere..
I’ve seen our chihuahuas, smile, cry, get angry or jealous, happy and excited…..ALL the same emotions that humans have.
When our last chihuahua passed (the longest lived to be 18) and we had 3 of them Jamie and I started our journey towards looking for new pups to stop the grief that we had after the last one passed.

We are a trustworthy, Elite breeder family of chihuahuas. We dedicate our lives to raising, healthy, well balanced and well mannered Chihuahuas for future Chihuahua homes.
We love them from the first moment they are born and we genuinely care for them like family members!
Our love doest stop when they leave our home to their new family..
We still stay in contact and get photos and videos of them from their new owners for weeks and months and years to come!
I was shocked that there were very few breeders in the north state as we live in Redding CA.
I had filled out multiple applications but very few were from California.
I was also on multiple lists and willing to take a puppy from litters not even knowing what they would look like ! It was crazy.
After a long search I found a puppy.
Long story short, I spent a ridiculous amount on a beautiful girl and I named her Tinsley and my daughter, bought a little boy from Arkansas who she named Jackson. We decided we wanted babies to love and keep because, for us one or two was not enough.
This journey has not been with out many tears…for when a puppy was not strong enough to make it. There have been lots of sleepless nights making sure I would hear or see an expecting mother go into labor and then hours of helping her birth the puppies and getting the babies to take their first breath..as well as sleepless nights to make sure a new mother doesn’t lay on top of her babies or move away from them..but the joy of placing a baby with her or his new mommy (and forever home) and the pictures and videos they send me makes what I do worth it all.