Please contact us if you have any further questions

Your chihuahua puppy should be eating High quality food with at least 22.5 % protein 

Chihuahuas puppies have a fast metabolism  and should be given 3-4 meals per day. A half to 1 !/2  cup per day.

Chihuahua puppies love nothing more than to be with their human and require only a minimum of grooming and exercise.

They make excellent apartment dogs who will get along with the whole family. Just make sure that small children know how to properly hold them, and to be very gentle with them.

These little dogs will almost always need to be touching you or on you, most of these little guys will follow you from room to room and insist on being on your lap, they are ridiculous cuddle bugs.

Yes, this condition is easily prevented with regular feeding. We take special care to not let our chihuahuas go very long without eating at least a small snack,.Expecially in the morning when they have fasted all night.

Your Chihuahua will need a little something first thing when you get up.

Give your puppy a dab of honey on the tip of your finger if your puppy is acting is acting lethargic after a long walk etc

Yes. They will hear things that you don’t, so pay attention to their bark or when you see their ears group and they may even begin to growl..Some chihuahuas may try to bite strangers when they come to close to you.

This behavior can be easily changed if you start early on with a puppy.

It is much more difficult with an adult dog that has already established this naughty behavior but it can be done. Again if you are struggling with this behavior  problem, we recommend  you seek out a positive trainer to assist you with solving his/her problem . A good trainer will know about this Chihuahua problem and have multiple, positive solutions.


Chihuahuas do not need to go to the Dog groomer as they do need haircuts and you can give them baths in the kitchen sink. 


Chihuahuas do not need strenuous exercise.

Owning a chihuahua means you will be an over worked bodyguard. They are subject to large birds so you must accompany them outside and stay with them. If you have large dogs as well, you will need to protect them from getting ran over.

Don’t think you’re off the hook for inside the home as well. Chihuahuas can break a leg just jumping off a couch or chair, depending on their size.

They are great desert dogs since they originated from Mexico. But in an air conditioned home they will need a blanket. If you live in a cold climate you may need a heating pad to keep their shivering to a minimum .

Chihuahuas are known for their loyalty. They usually pick one person in the household who is “their Human” They may love everyone in the house but are extremely loyal.

Your Chihuahuas puppy ears should stand up by the time they are 9 months old. If they are not up by then, they probably will never stand up. Some Chihuahuas ears will never stand up- but that doest mean they are not 100 % Chihuahua. Be careful not to grab their ears to hard when petting them as that can cause their cartilage to break down, and give them floppy ears. As your chihuahua grows and starts eating kibbles “ soft can food not recommended “ It will strengthen their jaws which in turn will strengthen their ears to stand up.

Chihuahuas do most of their growing by 6 months old. From 6 to 12 months, they will continue to grow but at a much slower rate.

Usually by 10 to 12 months, they are as tall as they are going to get. They can fill out more over the next year depending on their feeding schedule.

Chihuahuas tend to burrow much more than other breeds.

Burrowing makes them feel safe and snug. It also adds extra warmth, which chi’s need.

Yes! Overall the can be quite intelligent. They have the largest brain size in relation to  their body size.

Yes..Housebreaking your chihuahua can be frustrating Whether you are a new chihuahua owner or are experienced with this breed, those of us that decide to share our homes with chihuahuas frequently find that learning how to house train a chihuahua can be tough. However, all hope is not lost! Potty training your chihuahua isn’t that hard when proper procedures are used. The key to success is not using an overly harsh approach when teaching them to use the bathroom. Take them outside often. First thing in the morning and after every mealtime. Also, make sure you are consistent! I cannot stress this enough!

Don’t let your little guy or gal fool you! Chihuahuas are capable of learning how to go potty outside or on a puppy pad quickly and easily.  Although chis are small, some have a stubborn streak that can make house training difficult.

If you want to cut down on accidents, consistency is your potty training BFF!Make sure your chi has learned his or hers name first!

Also make sure you your dog understands  you and is actually listening .

After you have cleaned up an area take that paper towel that is now soiled with your pets scent and lay it on top of a puppy pad where you want her or him to go potty . Usually, once they smell the paper towel with their own poop on it they will want to go again in that area.

Having your dog spay or neutered is another great way to reduce the marking behavior  significantly.

To stop  them from marking, use an enzyme cleaner to throughly clean the area. This also gets rid of any scent the dog may use later. You also need to teach simple and basic commands.

You should never punish your chihuahua for mistakes while house training because that will hinder the learning process. 

When you are training but you can’t be with them, be sure to keep them closed off from your carpet like a kitchen or even in a playpen,. Put a pee pad in the room with them just in case. Chihuahuas have small bladders and need to go often.

Patience and consistency are key to house training any puppy.

If you notice your chi is sniffing around or circling or whining or pawing at the door, then these are clues that they need to go.

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